In the new, baroque
dance-theater production of TEATRO ARCIMBOLDO four dancers, an
actor, and the musicians of the
tell the fascinating, tragicomicstory of the first and only Trumpet
marine-virtuosto Jean-Baptiste Prin (1668-1743): From his childhood in
London as a child prodigy on the trompette marine, his dance training in
the Paris of Louis XIV, his career at court, and finally the
denunciation and his banishment to the West Indies. Six dance scenes (including
the Lantern Dance with entry of le Roi Soleil, Dance of the
Torturers, Dance of the Sailors/Storm at Sea; Dance of the African
Slaves with an Ungurungo in the West Indies) illustrate the exciting
life’s story of J.B. Prin. This
"commedia" will be put on the stage by TEATRO ARCIMBOLDO in a
peppy production exploiting all the possibilities of the Baroque theater.
A feast for eyes and ears by means of which we shall carry our audience
away into the world of the Baroque.
"The Trumpet marine-Virtuoso"
Baroque Dance Theater about J.B. Prin,
trompet marine virtuoso and dancer
at the court of "le
Roi Soleil"
1: |
With a handcart, old Monsieur Prin is on a fantastic "tropical"
path in Mexico (West Indies). On the cart are all his possessions, a trompette
marine case, and a box of books. When one of the cart’s wheels suddenly falls
off, he sees himself forced to wait for help on the side of the path. He begins
to recount his childhood in London: Although he would have much preferred to
have played viola da gamba, he was forced by his father to practice the trumpet
marine and to perform on it as a "wunderkind." When Prin then also
displayed a talent for dancing, his ambitious father sent him to Paris, the
residence of Louis XIV, to hone his skills in dancing and in trompette marine
Star Dance with lanterns, entry of Louis XIV as the sun.
J.B. Lully, H. Purcell, M. Marais
Prin arrives in Paris and takes dance lessons with the famous Master
Beauchamp at the Academie Royal de la danse, which had been founded by
Louis XIV. Through the intervention of his dance teacher, Prin is allowed to perform on
the trompette marine before the King in the park of Versailles.
Virtuoso ballet lesson with the learned dance-master Beauchamp.
J.B. Prin (Premier Concert pour la Trompette marine)
3: |
The King is so taken by his playing that he
grants Prin the honor of being present at the "coucher," and also
promises him the next vacant position in the Trompettes Marines du Roy.
Since that can take a while, Prin finds a job as a dancer and harlequin at the Theatre
de la Foire. There, commedia dell’arte pieces are improvised after a canovacco
(synopsis) is read aloud. Prin falls in love with the daughter of the director
and leading actor; however, since her jealous father keeps her under close watch,
Prin can only get near her on stage when she is playing her role as Harlequina.
Dance: Commedia dell’arte scene with Harlequin,
Harlequina, and strict
father (Pantalone)
Music: J.P. Rameau
***** Intermission *****
A position at court finally becomes free. However, because of an intrigue by
his future trompette marine colleagues, who have denounced him to the censors,
Prin is arrested and thrown into the dungeon of the Bastille. In spite of his
innocence, Prin confesses everything and anything when the torturers start to
apply the thumbscrews, since this would mean the end of his career, for the
trompette marine is played only with the thumb. Although it soon becomes clear
that the accusations are groundless, he is banished to the West Indies (Spanish
America), and may not set foot on French soil again as long as Louis XIV is
Dance of the Torturers and "Zanni" in the Bastille
A. Forqueray
Embarking in Nantes, Prin sails for Mexico. The voyage is smooth at first,
but then a heavy storm comes up in which the ship almost sinks.
Dance: Dance and Brawl of the Sailors, gradually builds up into the
Music: M. Marais, Lully
6: |
Prin arrives in Veracruz and travels overland to Mexico-Ville. He is amicably
welcomed there by the vice-king and the courtly society, since everybody is
anxious to hear news of the court in Paris. Because Mexico-Ville strives to
emulate Paris, Prin is invited to visit the newly established "Academie"
and to marvel at the professors’ (bizarre) inventions. One night, Prin hears
strange music. As he approaches a fire, he sees African slaves dancing and
playing a peculiar instrument, an ungurungo. Prin immediately recognizes
in it the origin of his trompette marine, and a dialogue of dance and gestures
develops between the two cultures.
Dance: Dance of the African Slaves with an ungurungo (Prin attempts
African dance, the slaves attempt French dance)
Music: African music mixed with French Baroque music (J.P. Rameau).
(Duration: ca. 85 min. playing time)
the idea to the play - "The Trumpet marine-Virtuoso"
order to explain how this new TEATRO ARCIMBOLDO production, which is very
special for several reasons, came into being, I’ll have to go back a bit
in time: For quite a while I had been fascinated by
the ca. two-meter-long bowed string instrument with only one played string,
the trumpet marine, tromba marina or trompette marine which is found in
many music instrument museums. I often asked myself what it would sound
like, but unfortunately there were until now no CD recordings of this
instrument, an instrument that was very widespread during the eighteenth
century. In France there was even a trompette marine- virtuoso by the name
of Jean-Baptiste Prin (1668-1743), who also wrote four solo concertos for
the instrument.
When I finally succeeded in finding Prin’s own instrument
in a private Swiss collection, I had two copies made of it. The first
project in which I played these instruments (together with the ensemble
arcimboldo) – and about which Swiss Television DRS produced a
documentary – took place in the autumn of 2003 under the title Music
with Tromba Marina from Swiss Monasteries. A CD production on the "Musique
Suisse" label is also in preparation.
the course of my research on J.B. Prin, I discovered that he had worked in Paris
around 1700 as a dancer, actor (in the role of "Harlequin"), and
trompette marine virtuoso. It is also documented that he played at the court of
Louis XIV, le Roi Soleil, who had a "Trompettes Marines et Cromornes du
Roy" band within his royal musical establishment. In
1742 Prin wrote his memoirs, which are a rich source of information about the
trompette marine, and in which he also described his discovery of the origins of
the trompette marine in the African ungurungo, an instrument that is still today
played in Brazil under the name birimbao.
Inspired by this material, by
the exciting period around 1700 at the court of le Roi Soleil, historical
literature (such as Molière: Le Bourgeois gentilomme, Swift: Gulliver’s
Travels, Liselotte von der Pfalz: Letters, J. de Monségur: Mémoires du Mexique,
Behr: L’art de bien danser), the numerous outstanding discoveries (Newton:
gravity, light; Papin: the submarine), and the fascinating music of the French
Baroque (Lully, Marais, Rameau), we – the regular members of ensemble TEATRO
ARCIMBOLDO – decided to develop a dance-music-theater piece in collaboration
with the Basel author and Holbein-prizewinner Christopher Zimmer.